ZL1200 VFFS bag forming filling sealing packaging machine
소개 :
This unit machine is special design for packaging liquid& sauces product into plastic bag .The machine have the function of automatic bag forming, Liquid product measuring and filling .With optional function of exhausting the air inside the bag and then sealing the bag .The machine also have color ribbon for date printer for coding of expiry date and production date.Widely use for packaging different liquid and paste product

주요 특징 및 특징
A wide range of pouches: pillow bag.
고속: 20-60개 이상의 백/분
Easy to operate: PLC controller and color touch-screen, fault indication on the touch screen. Easy to adjust: only about 10
minutes to change different pouches.
주파수 제어 : 범위 내에서 주파수 변환으로 속도를 조정할 수 있습니다.
높은 자동화 : 계량 및 포장 공정에서 무인, 고장시 자동으로 기계 경보.
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